Here at Pilning, we like to do things a little differently. We’ve always been an advocate of using data to better understand our passengers, and the limited number of trains that call at the station.
We currently publish some information on a number of sub-sites. This information can be found in the following locations:
Pilning Departures
See the most recent departures, or have a deeper dive into our statistical information.
Pilning Departures contains a simple listing of the most recent trains to call at Pilning, and the timeliness of those services. You can click through to see an individual train’s calling patterns, including the realtime status of all calls along the route.
Pilning Live
Visit the Pilning Live departure board
Visit the Pilning Solari board
Visit the Signalling Diagram
Pilning Live shows information about trains in and around the Pilning Station area, as it happens. Data from the signalling system is used to determine the locations of trains around the area, and this is supplemented by train origin and destination information where this is available.
Some information on trains passing the area is retained for statistical analysis – some interesting metrics can be found on the Stats page.
Further details about what/where/why can be found on the Pilning Live sub-site.
What’s the data used for?
Pilning Station Group uses this information to better understand the trains that stop, the trains that don’t, and how they fit in around the complex junctions east and west of the station.
We use the data to make a reasoned business case for our little station, based on solid, irrefutable information. We use the data to ensure that those requests we put to railway stakeholders do not carry a high risk to the operational status of the network, and do not come across as mere ‘wishful thinking’.
We also use the data to produce some fascinating statistics about railway happenings in and around Pilning!
Further information on the sources of information we use can be found on the Data Sources page.