Pilning Departures contains a simple listing of the most recent trains to call at Pilning, and the timeliness of those services. You can click through to see an individual train’s calling patterns, including the realtime status of all calls along the route.
Most recent 15 departures listed below. Click or tap a train for more!
Schedule | Realtime Departure | ||
Date ↓ | To | Actual | Lateness |
22/03/2025 08:32 | Penzance | 08:32 | On-time |
22/03/2025 15:32 | Penzance | 15:32 | On-time |
15/03/2025 08:32 | Exeter St David's | 08:38 | 6m late |
15/03/2025 15:32 | Newton Abbot | 15:33 | 1m late |
08/03/2025 08:32 | Penzance | 08:32 | On-time |
08/03/2025 15:32 | Penzance | 15:32 | On-time |
01/03/2025 08:32 | Penzance | 08:32 | On-time |
01/03/2025 15:32 | Penzance | 15:32 | On-time |
22/02/2025 08:32 | Penzance | 08:32 | On-time |
22/02/2025 15:32 | Penzance | 15:34 | 2m late |
15/02/2025 08:32 | Weston-super-mare | 08:32 | On-time |
15/02/2025 15:32 | Penzance | 15:32 | On-time |
08/02/2025 08:32 | Penzance | 08:32 | On-time |
08/02/2025 15:32 | Exeter St Davids | 15:32 | On-time |
01/02/2025 08:32 | Penzance | 08:33 | 1m late |
All data sourced as per Pilning's Data Sources, with additional information provided by Pilning Station Group.